Adapting continuously to meet students where they are.
Each student receives continuously adaptive enrichment, automatic scaffolding, and personalized mastery in every concept.

Continuous Adaptive Learning

Unlike "single-point adaptivity" and "adaptive testing" solutions, our platform delivers continuous adaptive learning of the curriculum to each student through personalized placement, just-in-time enrichment, scaffolding (at or below grade level) and automatic mastery assessment.

Spiraled and Spaced Mastery

Our research-based pedagogy delivers "spiraling" and "spacing" of curriculum to enable robust encoding of information that leads to better long-term learning (Schmidt & Bjork, 1992). Compare this to the conventional "blocked" or "massed" pedagogy where each concept is mastered in a "sequence" or "streak" method. Such massing encourages quick and effortless processing of information leading to reduced attention and short-term learning (Dempster, 1988; Rohrer, 2009).

Real Students, Real Scaffolding

Here's a real 7th grade classroom where students using ScootPad received automatic scaffolding ranging from low to extreme scaffolding (click the tabs below to see the examples).

Student #1: Did not require scaffolding in any of the concepts so far! Hover and click preview to see a list of all concepts and the student's mastery score.

Student #2: Received scaffolding in 2 out of 8 concepts scaffolding to prerequisites in one grade level below. Hover and click preview to see a list of all concepts, scaffolded prerequisites and the student's mastery score.

Student #3: Received scaffolding in 4 out of 8 concepts scaffolding to prerequisites that are few grade levels below. Hover and click preview to see a list of all concepts, scaffolded prerequisites and the student's mastery score.

Student #4: Received scaffolding in 1 of the 8 concepts scaffolding to prerequisites in the 1st grade i.e. 6 grade levels below. Hover and click preview to see a list of all concepts, scaffolded prerequisites and the student's mastery score.

Mastery Legend: